Network spoofing
IP Swaping - Swap your target ip to yours and all data which should be sent on target will also come to you. In Linux, netdiscover to get all ip of devices in network Check your Interface which is using to connect example: wlan, eth0 etc ifconfig / ip addr If there is eth0 and loop so you are using eth0 but if there is wlan and loop so you are using wlan Finally, swapping ip to any device or rooter to yours. " ifconfig interface ip " note that change ip to any device's ip you wanted to change exmple: as you get all ip in your network by netdisover and change interface with interface currently in use example: wlan. Final Code Example: ifconfig eth0 Note:- Internet can be stop working after that Checking ip: ifconfig : use this command to check wether your ip is changed or not M.A.C Swaping - Swap your target mac to yours and all data which should be sent on target will also come to you. Understanding the syntax of command:-...